Community Governance

Educational and technical assistance is available to municipal commissions and volunteer groups that manage town forests. To develop and provide resources to these groups, foundational questions arise about what governance models exist, what skills are required of these volunteers to best serve in their roles, and what major challenges face these committees and commissions on an operational level.

In 2021, the Northern Forest Center used interviews, surveys, and feedback from forestry professionals to better understand the opportunities and challenges of town forest governance. The following resources were funded by a USDA Forest Service Landscape Scale Restoration Grant and developed through a partnership with the Vermont Department of Forests, Parks & Recreation, and the University of Vermont Extension.

Read the Report or  Watch the Webinar

Governance of Town Forests For Practitioners (Summary Report)

Resources: Governing a Town Forest

Whether you are part of a long-standing town forest committee member or just beginning to assemble local leaders with a special interest in publicly managed land, keep expanding your knowledge of land management and leadership skills. Explore both written resources and in-person courses to lead your community with vision and clarity.

town forest webinar series logo

Making Decisions: Exploring Town Forest Governance in Vermont

Discover principles of good town forest governance in Vermont, then hear from Tom Kidder of the Tucker Mountain Town Forest in Newbury and Pat Mainer of the Hinsebury Town Forest.

View webinar