Webinar: Arborist's Workbench Q & A




Urban & Community Forestry Conference, Pruning Workshop

Join Adam McCullough, Urban Forester at the Vermont Urban & Community Forestry Program, for an engaging and interactive hour-long conversation about all things trees. Whether your interests lie in urban tree planting, climbing techniques, saws, ropes, or any other tree-related topic, this session is open to all. Seasoned professionals are invited to challenge the expert, while new climbers are encouraged to share in the enthusiasm of a career immersed in trees.

The session will feature hand-drawn visual aids, demonstrations of various tools, and knot-tying tutorials to help clarify tactile and visual concepts in a virtual setting. To make the most of this opportunity, participants are encouraged to submit questions in advance to Adam at adam.mccullough@vermont.gov.

Webinar will be hosted on Microsoft Teams and recorded. No registration required. Access webinar at link below. 

Microsoft Teams 

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Meeting ID: 234 785 617 687 

Passcode: 8Nj3qp7W

Dial in by phone 

+1 802-828-7667,,151979487# United States, Montpelier 

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Phone conference ID: 151 979 487#